
Friday, January 11, 2013

Honduras Day #5

Sunday, December 30, 2012

We had church this morning at the compound! A few minutes in, the music director started talking directly to Karla, our translator, and was pointing towards our group. Turns out, he wanted our group to sing for them! Thankfully we had Bo with us and he led us in How Great Is Our God in front of the congregation. They didn't know what we were saying, but He did, and that's all that matters. After we sang, Alexa, Melissa, Sam, and I went outside to help occupy the children. We gave them the coloring sheets that we had been using at the VBS and they really enjoyed them. Even the teenagers!

And one girl REALLY enjoyed coloring...

We were also able to spend some time listening to Oscar and Ella Marena speak to the youth group. After church, we had an incredible lunch of chicken rice and beans, I mean INCREDIBLE! Then we played some kings in the corner and king queen, peon, peasant, and dutch blitz. We really enjoyed playing cards in case you couldn't tell..
Our plan for the afternoon was to go hike up to a cave that was in the mountains. But, unfortunately, it had been raining all day and Pablo said it would be too dangerous. So, Mcauley, Bo, and Torre went with the youth group to go play some soccer.
Apparently Mcauley was pretty good...but the Gringos still got killed.

The rest of us spent the afternoon at the compound playing with Pablo's kids...

And relaxing on the incredibly comfortable hammocks!

While we were at the compound, a woman named Bonita came by. Mrs. Jan said that word gets out fast when American's are there and lots of people will show up looking for help. Mrs. Bonita showed us pictures of her work with special needs children and adults in honduras. She was in dire need of anything we could give. John, Mrs. Jan, and Mr. Gary were gone at the time so Melissa, Bo, Collin, Sam, and I listened to her tell us about all the things that she is doing for these people that everyone else is rejecting. She is teaching them how to do everyday tasks such as washing their hands and teeth. But she was in need. Collin and I got her info, we prayed with her and then we promised that we would put it on our list of ministry opportunities to talk to our church about when we got back and we would pray that the Lord would provide for her, whether through us or through someone else. By the grace of God, later in the afternoon, Mrs. Jan told us that we had extra money from this week and that we could give this woman $200 today. It was such a blessing to be able to help a women that is truly sacrificing all of herself to help those that could not survive without her.
Later, we had an incredible dinner of empenadas and homemade guacamole. Then we spent some more time playing cards. And I realized as I was writing this that I made a mistake on my earlier blog. Saturday night was the first night that we beat Bo and Collin in spades, and tonight was the 2nd night. They beat us the first 2 times and then we won 2 times. So at this point, we were even! We also spent some time just hanging out with Sheila and JJ, two special needs teenagers that spend their time at the compound. Then we all got to sign the wall in the dining room for our last night.

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