
Wednesday, August 8, 2012


This is the devotion that was in my Jesus Calling book for today. It fit perfectly with where my heart and mind have been since Costa Rica. So, I thought I would share.

"Understanding will never bring you Peace. That's why I have instructed you to trust in Me, not in your understanding. Human beings have a voracious appetite for trying to figure things out, in order to gain a sense of mastery over their lives. But the world presents you with an endless series of problems. As soon as you master one set, another pops up to challenge you. The relief you had anticipated is short-lived. Soon your mind is gearing up again: searching for understanding (mastery), instead of seeking Me (your Master).

The wisest of all men, Solomon, could never think his way through to Peace. His vast understanding resulted in feelings of futility, rather than in fulfillment. Finally, he lost his way and succumbed to the will of his wives by worshiping idols.

My Peace is not an elusive goal, hidden at the center of some complicated maze. Actually, you are always enveloped in Peace, which is inherent in My Presence. As you look to Me, you gain awareness of this precious Peace."

"Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. 
In all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." 
Proverbs 3:5-6

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, 
we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." 
Romans 5:1

"Now may the Lord of peace, Himself, give you peace at all times and in every way. 
The Lord be with all of you." 
2 Thessalonians 3:16
*from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Homesick at "home"

I am homesick.
I am at my "home".
And I am homesick.

I don't know how to explain it. I just know that I am meant for more than this. God has more purpose for my life than this. Today I had this overwhelming sense of "I don't belong here." 
When I come "home" I always tend to do nothing. I am not productive.

Something I learned while in Costa Rica was that it is so important to have time to relax and reflect. But there is no need for that when I have done nothing to relax from or reflect on.
Yes, my family is here and I love them, my parents, my brother and his wife and my beautiful baby niece. But even when I am sitting in their living room holding my niece, I still feel homesick.

My heart is missing something, someone, somewhere.

Even when I leave this house that I sometimes call "home", 
I do not believe that I am going to feel anymore at home in LaGrange.
In Costa Rica, I experienced the feeling of knowing that I was walking perfectly in God's will. I was in constant communication with Him. I was working in His Name, and I was relaxing in His presence. That is not to say that I couldn't experience that in LaGrange or Moultrie, my "homes", but that has yet to happen. I am too comfortable and confident in myself in these places. 
It wasn't until I was completely out of my comfort zone that I found myself fully relying on God. I have never been less stressed-out or less worried in my life. I have never been so trusting, with even the little things. And now that I am back in my comfort-zone, I feel disconnected. I feel homesick, because my home is in the presence of the Lord. My home is in His will, wherever that takes me.

I don't know where the Lord is going to take me next. I think I know, and I have plans, but His plans are much greater than my plans. I look at pictures of Costa Rica and get emotional when I see the faces of my friends and the beautiful children and people that I met there. I miss it so much. I do not know if the Lord will take me back there. I do not know if that will be my "home" one day. 
But I do know that right now I am homesick. 
I miss the place I was at physically, spiritually, and emotionally in Costa Rica. 
I want to feel at home again.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

After some rest and a baby...

Sorry it has been a few days since I have posted. I made this blog for people supporting me on my trips, so I don't know how often I will post when I am not traveling. 
I will probably only post every now and then just to keep you updated on my life 
(because I'm sure so many people care...haha yeah right!)

As far as Costa Rica goes....I'm back :( I have been home 3 days and I miss it sooooooo much! 
But before I say anything else, I must tell you my airport story.

So Monday morning before I left, our whole team went out to get pastries and smoothies for my last breakfast in Costa Rica. [My pastry was DELICIOUS. I could live off of pastries.] We got back, I wrote my last post from CR and then Laura, Megan, and I got a taxi and headed off to the airport...VERY SLOWLY. Apparently there was a strike on taxi's in San Jose, so everyone was having to drive their own vehicles. Let's just keep in mind that traffic in San Jose is insane, on a NORMAL day. So multiply that times 100 and you get traffic in San Jose during a strike. So the ride that was supposed to take half an hour to get to the airport, took us half an hour to get halfway to the airport. We were at a complete standstill so our driver decided to turn around and go back to get on the interstate, go completely around the city and go the airport that way. Good call. We got to the airport at 11:30 my flight left at 1:00, so Laura says "Thanks for coming! Bye, we love you! BOOK IT!" haha :) So that was my goal, just get to the gate on time. Unfortunately that wasn't what happened. I walked inside and went to go pay the exit fee. [Why Costa Rica charges you to leave the country? Who knows.] I get up to the teller, hand her my credit card, and it doesn't work. NOOOOOOOOOOO. My card doesn't work, it's credit so I can't get cash out of an ATM, and I have $8 in cash left to pay a $28 fee. Awesome. So the lady [that doesn't speak much English] tells me to step to the side and hope that some nice passengers with help me. So I put my head down, took in a deep breath, said a quick prayer, turned around, and started asking anyone that looked like they spoke English if they could help me out with any cash. PRAISE THE LORD that everyone in line spoke English and most of them had extra cash. I finally got my exit fee payed, desperately thanked the people that gave me money and booked it through customs, check-in, and security. Took a quick break to get a bumper sticker and shot glass [I collect them, don't judge] and got to my gate as they were boarding and doing secondary screening. Thankfully everything went smooth from there and I got to Atlanta to see my besties, my roommate Kelsey and neighbor Brittany, with a sign waiting to pick me up! I stayed with my roommate at her house that night and then drove to Moultrie the next morning. So I am now home! [And yes, I now have a beautiful baby niece but she deserves a full post dedicated to her so just be patient on that :) ]

I haven't posted pictures the whole trip because I didn't bring my camera. 
But Megan and Gabrielle gave me some pictures that they took so I will share some of those.
For more posts and pictures from Costa Rica, visit Gabrielle's blog 

I will end this post with some pictures of what I love and miss most in Costa Rica.
These beautiful girls: Gabrielle, Brooke, Patti, and Megan :)
Our gorgeous view from the roof of the apartment...
Our incredibly talented soccer friends in Jairo's ministry!
These precious children at the Casa Agape ministry <3
My little Spiderman buddy :)

My roomies and our cute little apartment!
The beautiful beach and beautiful Brooke :)
The woman who started it all..Anna!
And of course, my Coronado friends!! :)

 All I can say right now as I look back at these memories of my trip is, THANK YOU! 
Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your encouragement. 
Thank you for caring about my trip. THANK YOU!