
Monday, January 28, 2013

El Salvador Day #12

Day #12 Monday, January 14, 2013

We woke up early this morning, ate some delicious plantains, and then headed off to the hospital for a 7AM tour. We were toured around by one of the doctors. We got to go into every wing of the hospital, walking past men with AIDS and tuberculosis to women who were minutes away from having a baby. It was very interesting seeing just how different health care is here. In the States, there is much more privacy and we go to a different place for a different type of doctor. Here, every type of doctor is all in one place. They also have one separate wing for patients that have the ability to pay for health care. Because it is a public hospital, it is not required that you pay if you need healthcare, however, your level of care would not be the same as if you paid or went to a private hospital.

After the hospital, some of the group went to their clinics and the rest of us went over to the El Shaddai worksite. While there, the group was finishing clearing out all of the plants and trees where the walls were going to go. The men thought it would be entertaining for everyone to get me, Bailey, and Olivia to start whacking down some of the trees with a machete and an ax. I was horrible. Brian has a picture of me trying to cut it down and it looks like I am swinging a golf club. I guess my high school golf coach would be proud! Needless to say, we handed the tools back over to the men and let them finish it off for the morning.

Then,we went home and had a delicious lunch of fried chicken and rice. Afterwards, Anna went with Jacob and I to translate for us as we talked with Emerson. Emerson works with Brian and Juan in the church office. He is 26 and has been the President of the Youth of El Salvador for the past 4 years. He also is a part of the worship team at New Jerusalem and the 360 band. When we went to the youth service the first Saturday we were there, he was leading worship singing and playing the drums at the same was crazy. We asked him a lot about how he got his position, how long he would have it for, what his responsibilities were, what his goals were, and what he wanted to do next. We were able to learn a lot about how the Methodist Church works here. We were also able to relate with him a lot on some of the struggles that come with working with students. We also talked with him about the band the music that they play and are planning on playing worship with them Saturday night at the youth service! 

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